How VPAT / ACR Drives WCAG Compliance Success?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
VPAT/ACR for WCAG Compliance Conformance

WCAG是一个被普遍接受的为网络世界带来可访问性的准则. 虽然也存在其他国际标准,但它们大多受WCAG最新版本的影响.

包含WCAG标准的数字产品(网站和应用程序)必须显示其对可访问性的承诺. And to show a website or application’s accessibility status, 组织填写他们的VPAT(志愿者产品可访问性模板)并发布/共享.

A VPAT is a physical document with some defined guidelines. It is filled out by web accessibility experts. 它包括数字产品的每一个细节,以及无障碍的方式. Please note that lately, VPAT updated to its latest version VPAT 2.5; so now organizations are required to update their VPATs to the latest version for 2024.

Are VPAT & ACR alike?

Far too often, VPAT and ACR are used interchangeably; however, they are not similar. Organizations use VPAT to create ACR (Accessibility Conformance Report). So, in simple words, 一个定义模板(VPAT)在报告(ACR)中显示组织的可访问性级别。.

VPAT has its requirements to be filled out in a certain way, which is defined by the Information Technology Industry Council. Most importantly, 确保使用最新版本和合适版本的VPAT来实现WCAG的兼容性是至关重要的.

不同的国际网页无障碍法律有不同的VPAT版本,例如 VPAT WCAG edition, VPAT EU edition, VPAT 508, VPAT INP , etc. The wrong VPAT will not help in publishing the right ACR.

So, VPAT和ACR的目的都是评估数字产品或服务的可访问性水平,并提供有关产品或服务是否符合法律的信息. However, VPAT is a standard template and ACR is a tailored report, which varies as per the organization’s conformance type.

How does VPAT contribute to WCAG compliance achievement?

accessibility conformance report

对于那些应该遵守康复法案第508条的组织, VPAT is one of the mandates by law for them. However, 其他组织也被鼓励遵循包含可访问性和显示一致性报告的实践.

When an organization begins with VPAT completion work, they need to give information about website/application accessibility level, design/development/testing methods, remediation techniques, what updates are made, etc. 因此,组织要确保他们的数字产品符合相关的可访问性标准. 但是,网站或应用程序是否完全兼容并不重要. 有不同的选项来标记网站合规级别,如支持, Partially Supports, does not support, and not applicable.


So, a VPAT is used to evaluate digital accessibility, display compliance, and promote inclusivity, which eventually is a boon for WCAG compliance success.

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Is VPAT/ACR accessibility report mandatory?

vpat accessibility report

VPAT(自愿性产品易访问性模板)在法律意义上不是强制性的, as its name implies voluntariness. However, 它是组织评估其数字产品的可访问性和证明符合可访问性标准(如WCAG (Web内容可访问性指南))的关键。.

VPAT有助于识别缺失的可访问性方面,并提供了包含元素或消除导致不可访问性的障碍的机会. They can help mitigate the risk of legal challenges related to accessibility. Therefore, while not mandatory, 强烈建议那些希望在数字产品中优先考虑包容性和可访问性的组织使用vpat.


While not legally required, VPATs are often requested by:

  • Federal government agency
  • Federally funded
  • 联邦政府、其代理机构或联邦资助组织的供应商
  • Educational institution
  • Non-profit and Advocacy organization

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How to create a VPAT report?


vpat report

  • Understand the applicable accessibility standards such as WCAG, Section 508, or other relevant guidelines.
  • Execute an evaluation of your digital product to assess its accessibility status. The evaluation should include manual and automated testing.
  • 应该评估每个成功标准,以确定产品是否完全满足这些标准, partially, or not at all. It is a crucial point to indicate the degree of compliance in the VPAT report.
  • Start creating a structured report based on the format and sections of the VPAT.
  • 详细描述产品或服务,包括其目的、特性和功能. Also, highlight if any accessibility enhancement has been done.
  • 浏览VPAT的每个部分,并为相应的可访问性标准提供正确的信息.
  • 为每个评估提供支持细节,使其基于一致性评估易于理解.
  • 需要摘要陈述以及相关的联系信息,以便进一步查询和支持.
  • Review the report to ensure its accuracy, clarity, and completeness.
  • Publish and share the complete VPAT report with stakeholders, potential customers, and government agencies as required.

In summary, VPAT和ACR通过提供结构化的评估框架,在推动WCAG合规成功方面发挥着至关重要的作用, documenting accessibility features and compliance levels, promoting transparency and accountability, ensuring legal compliance, guiding improvement efforts, providing market advantages, and supporting continuous improvement initiatives.

释放可访问性的力量,确保您的数字信息到达每个人. Our VPAT report services provide comprehensive accessibility compliance assessments, and guide towards WCAG compliance success. By partnering with Skynet Technologies, 展示您对包容性的承诺,同时在当今多元化的市场中获得竞争优势. Let us work together to make your website or web app accessible to all, empowering every user to engage seamlessly. Reach out us [email protected]